
Educating Educators for More Than a Century

从1889年的州立师范学校到现在的博士学位 高水平的研究活动机构,在广泛的领域开展项目, 北科罗拉多大学在准备课程方面有着悠久而丰富的传统 教育专业人士.

皇冠app官方版下载的教育和行为科学学院(EBS)是卓越的中心 in professional preparation, research, and global educational leadership. 展示 我们对州立大学培养教育专业人员的使命的承诺, 我们提供高品质 undergraduate and graduate programs on our main Greeley campus, our Denver/Lowry campus, as well as various locations 全州和网上都有. For example, the Center for Urban Education in Denver 采用创新策略为幼儿、小学和特殊教育做准备 老师 for work in urban classrooms.

除了为科罗拉多州的学校准备人员外,EBS还提供本科生 心理学和美国手语和口译课程,以及研究生课程 in Counseling and 研究 Methods.

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences Brochure Cover


皇冠app官方版下载培养了科罗拉多州50%以上的教育工作者和18个科罗拉多州的教育工作者 Teacher of the Year Award winners.


皇冠app官方版下载最近收到了两笔单独的拨款,合计用于解决教师短缺问题 超过24.5万美元.


皇冠app官方版下载获得Christa McAuliffe卓越教师教育奖 by the American Council for State Colleges and Universities

We think you'll love it here at UNC!

...but don't just take our word for it. Check out what some of our students have to 说!

“我进入聋人教育领域的旅程始于我的第一个发现 儿童听力损失. Since that time, almost 18 years ago now with 3 daughters two of whom are Deaf, I have faced many challenges and joys. Doors have opened in unexpected 有时,它需要很大的勇气,穿过入口的方式来迎接 等待着的未来. Shortly after I started the online courses at UNC, Master's 特殊教育:聋人教育专家,一扇新的门打开了,我得到了机会 我在华盛顿聋人学校(我们州的寄宿学校)的第一份教学工作 学校). One of my goals was to work with deaf and hard-of-hearing students but I had expected to complete my course of study first. It has been challenging at times 平衡全职教学,研究生工作和家庭,但我在皇冠app官方版下载的教授 have been extremely supportive yet hold me to high expectations. 这样做,每个人 课堂让我走出了自己的舒适区,提高了教学质量 在我自己的教室里. The course work is directly applicable and has morphed the lens through which I view teaching. UNC has helped open a door to a career that I 绝对的爱. It’s exciting to be on this journey knowing I have been equipped 用必要的工具和尖端的研究来改变我们的未来 generations as they set sail on their own journeys."

Jennifer Nicole (Estes) Ellis

MA Special Education: Deaf Education

“在启动皇冠app官方版下载通才特殊教育项目之前,我不确定是什么 我在那里的经历会是什么样子,我个人和专业上会如何成长, and whether or not I was making the best choice.  Now, looking back, my choice to pursue this program was one of no regret.  In fact, it was one of the paramount decisions 我做了.  Due to the level of support and challenge the professors provided in 通过这个项目,我相信我有能力在任何一所学校谋得一份教学工作 grade level and in any type of special education program.  多亏了UNC的通才 特殊教育项目我最清楚的是教学行业的最佳实践.  我不仅兴奋,而且准备开始与他人合作 to ensure that best practice is implemented in the positions I pursue."


MA Special Education: Generalist

“我在皇冠app官方版下载的体育课程学习之旅也不容易 has it come naturally; but it has come with a lot of dedication, experience, and interaction with fellow colleagues and professors. I have taken advantage of the incredible resources I have through my advisors, the UNC faculty, and local P.E. 和我在一起的老师 有工作的机会吗. It has been a great learning experience, for I have discovered a great deal about myself as an individual, a 老师, a peer, and as a student. As 作为一名体育教育者,我的目标是为我所有的学生创造一个积极的环境 给他们知识和资源,让他们过上积极健康的生活方式. 通过参与教学项目,我获得了丰富的教学内容和教学方法 我可以把我的知识应用到我自己的课堂上,创造一个有利的环境 to each students’ learning style. The program offers amazing opportunities for exposure in the classroom from the very start, all the way through student teaching. 这些 实地经验让我成长得不可思议,也让我发展成 自信而有准备的.E. 老师. I have been blessed to be surrounded by amazing 教授和教职员工有这样的激情,教育个人变得有效 P.E. 老师. I am proud to have been part of the physical education teaching program and the impact it has had, and will continue to have on my teaching career."


K-12 Sports and Exercise Science

"The Gifted and Talented Program at UNC is a Meaningful Approach. 我是一个国际 student, and I am a person who has a great interest in giftedness. 我期待着 to building my knowledge in this field. The Gifted and Talented Program at the University 北科罗拉多大学是我的选择,因为我决心参与其中 因为它以成功而闻名,而且作为一个机构,我的文化 考虑到利益. As I participate in the program, I have an opportunity 从不同的来源学习,包括知名的教师,伟大的数据库,观察, and teachings in current gifted student programs. Every single day in this program 意味着发现自己,探索天才教育的新方面,建立意识, 创造一个美好的未来,不仅是为了我,也是为了我国家的天才们 教育项目."


MA Special Education: Gifted and Talented

“我在皇冠app官方版下载的时间是突出的是最好的体育教育的一部分 全国的教师项目,认识很棒的人,向一些 最好的老师,尽我所能学习成为最好的老师,但是 one thing which sticks out to me is the relationships. I was able to develop relationships 这些朋友一直持续到今天,并与SES建立了关系 能够继续向他们寻求建议,支持,反馈,以及 anything else if it is work or life.  I am fortunate to have gone through a quality program which is led by even better people."


K-12 Sports and Exercise Science

“北科罗拉多大学的教学项目所做的远不止教学 它给了我所需要的一切工具和支持 to be a successful 老师 and be out there in the real world of education. 这个程序 帮助我实现了我对教育孩子和支持学生的热情 as individuals with their own unique needs. All of my professors were amazing, going out of their way to help me succeed in every way possible. 他们成了朋友. My 顾问,博士. Susan Thompson, was there every step of the way, always willing to answer questions and be a great source of support. I have just finished a very successful 在这学期的学生教学中,我能够对自己的教学充满信心 技能,新朋友,建立的众多网络,以及前方的成功之路, all thanks to UNC and all those who have supported me these past few years. 当有人 asks how my experience at UNC was, my answer is always, 'Incredible. 我不可能 received a better education anywhere else.'”



2010年春天,我坐在诺丁汉球场的中心,那是我最喜欢的 unanimous feeling among the crowd.  As a single mother of three young children, I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment as well as pride.  北方大学 科罗拉多帮助我实现了获得教师学位的梦想.  在注册学生教师教育项目的四个学期中,我获得了: 要成为一名伟大的教师,不仅需要教育,还需要灵感. 皇冠app官方版下载STEP项目的教授们致力于创造充分的准备 educators for our future nation and world. As I walked to the podium to receive my diploma, I knew that I had reached the stars and accomplished my dream."





在教学中发现新的想法,探索最新的趋势,听取专家和 更多. We look forward to seeing you on February 3, 2024!
