

  • 职责概述

    All employees are entrusted with the responsibility of preserving University resources and using those resources in a prudent manner for their designated purposes, as prescribed by policies, laws, regulations, and rules, as well as contract, grant and donor restrictions.

    Depending on your job duties and responsibilities, you may have the ability to view financial transactions in Banner Finance or Insight Reports, and you may also be given the responsibility to sign off or approve financial transactions on behalf of your 系和大学.

    By accepting authority to approve internal and/or external transactions, you agree to fully review all transactions under your responsibility, up to your authorized dollar limit, before approving them to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements 下面详细. 通过批准文件,您确认:

    • Funds are available for the purchase and will not cause a budget or cash deficit.
    • The purchase is being made for official University business and that it supports the 大学的使命.
    • 有支持源文档来支持事务.
    • The transaction (revenue / expense) is correctly coded to the correct Fund, Organization, 帐户、计划(FOAP)和活动代码.
    • There has been proper segregation of duties so that no one employee controls all phases 至少有两人参与了这一决定.
    • For grant and foundation funds, the financial transaction is in compliance with sponsor 以及捐赠人的规定和限制.
    • That the transaction meets the ethical standards of the University as required by 北科罗拉多大学董事会政策:
        • 1-1-502 Conflict of Interest - A University employee shall disclose to his or her immediate supervisor all facts and circumstances related to any University transactions, activities, contracts or other dealings in which they are involved or may become involved on behalf of the University which might directly or indirectly involve them in a conflict of interest. 根据科罗拉多州法律,CRS 188-308,未披露利益冲突 是二级轻罪吗.
        • 1-1-504 Nepotism - It shall be deemed to be a conflict of interest for an employee 管理:以管理亲属或受抚养人的身份服务. 就目的而言 of this policy, a relative shall be deemed to be any person within the 5th degree of consanguinity and a dependent shall be defined by the Internal Revenue Code.
        • 1-1-505 Outside Activities - Employees may not compete with the University or convert business opportunities of the University to their personal gain or advantage or the 获得他人的利益或优势. 员工不得将机密信息或其他信息转换 trade secrets of the University to their personal gain or advantage or the gain or 他人的优势

    Finance and accounting provides training to help you understand your role and responsibilities 因为这与大学的财务责任有关. 请检查 财务培训1.10 and if you have any questions, individual training is always available from the accounting 和财务人员应要求.

    如需更多资料,请参阅 联合国财政规则.

  • 了解访问

    在Insight内部,有许多不同的观点. 每个视图对应不同的 校园区域.

    University and Academic views are automatically given to each University staff member 谁请求洞察号访问而不需要额外授权. 其他员工 types including, but not limited to, student employees, University aides, teaching assistants and graduate assistants do not have any automatic access to Insight so 他们需要提交Insight Security表格以获得所需的任何访问权限.


    • Visit the 资讯科技 home page
    • 点击“搜索我们的知识库”部分
    • 点击左侧Popular Resources下的了解访问 Request
    • 填妥表格并递交