

When you make a Zoom Session appointment, you agree to the following policies and 程序. Please read these carefully to ensure that your session runs smoothly 有效地. 

重要的是: You need access to a fairly reliable internet connection, a computer, a microphone, Zoom, Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and possibly a webcam to participate in a Zoom session with a consultant. I如果你 do not have access to these things, consider making an In-Person or Email Session instead. 你可以浏览 Information Management Technology web page about Zoom 欲知详情. The 写作中心 is not able to offer IT assistance. I如果你’re experiencing issues with Zoom or other technologies, 请皇冠app官方版下载 IMT

Before the Session: Before and When Making 你的 Appointment

  • Sign up for and sign in to Zoom. Everyone at UNC has access to Zoom. There’s a dedicated portal to sign in to Zoom: http://unco.zoom.us/i如果你’re not sure how to sign in.  
    • Check your video and microphone connection ahead of time. I如果你r video and/or audio doesn’t work and allow your 顾问 to work with you, we reserve the right to end 会话 and suggest rescheduling. 
    • When possible, writers should seek out a quiet location where they can speak without 中断. We realize this may be difficult for some and are understanding of particular circumstances. 
    • Audio must be used in 会话. If 会话 experiences internet disruption, we can switch to audio-only. 你是 not required to have your video on during 会话. 
    • 以前从未使用过Zoom? 这里有一些 “开始” materials为放大. 另请参阅 “Top 10 Tips for Good Zoom Etiquette.”

  • Be sure you can access Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
    • Microsoft Office 365/Microsoft Word. All UNC students and employees have access to the Microsoft Office 365 Suite. If you have not downloaded this to your personal laptop or computer, you can do so for 免费的. 遵循 这个页面 and scroll down to the “Remote Software and Tech Tools” for more information. 
    • Sign up for and sign In to Google/Google Docs. Make sure you can sign into Google and know how to share your document using a link. 顾问不会be providing personal gmail accounts for sharing purposes.
  • 预约. 预约时间: least 30 minutes in advance 你的疗程. This will allow both you and the 顾问 time to prepare for 会话. 去 our online scheduling system to secure your appointment time: http://unco.tutortrac.com. Be sure that you're able to meet with your 顾问 at the scheduled appointment time. 
    • 我们更喜欢那样 you upload your Microsoft Word document or share your Google Doc link at the time of making the appointment, but this is not required. However, your document must be available by the time o如果你r appointment. 
  • Wait for 你的 Zoom Link via Email. 你的顾问 will email you a link to Zoom会议 before 会话. 一定要检查你的 电邮索取此连结. 咨询顾问 通常发送 this link the day before or the day 你的疗程, but it may arrive as soon as a few minutes before your session. I如果你 have a Zoom link by the time o如果你r scheduled appointment, call the 写作中心 at: 970-351-2056.

At the Time of and During 你的 Session 

重要的是: Writers do not have permission to record or take screenshots of the Zoom Session. I如果你 need your session to be recorded or need screenshots, please tell your 顾问. We'll do the recording or the screenshots for you and will send you the information. 

  • Meet 你的 顾问 Online. At the time o如果你r appointment, make sure you’re signed into Zoom and ready to open Zoom会议. All 咨询顾问 have the "waiting room" feature for their 写作中心 变焦会话. You'll be allowed into Zoom会议 at the time 你的疗程. 
  • Respect the 顾问’s Time. Keep in mind that your 顾问 may have other sessions directly following yours, so be respectful and adhere to 会话 time parameters. 
  • Tell 你的 顾问 if You Need Documentation Sent to 你的 Instructor. The 写作中心 does not automatically send session documentation to instructors. I如果你 need or want this to happen, just let us know! Knowing your instructor's name 是必需的. 
  • 延迟启动策略. There is a five-minute grace period for starting a Zoom session with the Writing Center. I如果你 think will be more than 5 minutes late, but not more than 10, call the 写作中心 to hold your appointment time: 970-351-2056.
