
Undergraduate 毕业 - Baccalaureate (Bachelor’s) Degree

A bachelor's degree is an academic title granted to a student who has completed a 具体学习课程. 学位头衔由科罗拉多州委员会授权 在高等教育和项目导致的学位可能由管理 大学,学院,学校,有时也指项目委员会或教师联盟.

 date_range 毕业步骤截止日期


皇冠app官方版下载的教师制定了四项一般要求,你必须依次满足 获得学士学位:

  1. 至少修满120个学分.
  2. Have a UNC cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00. 某些程序可能有 额外要求(例如,小学教师执照推荐 education requires a UNC cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75).
  3. Have at least 40 credit hours in courses designated as Liberal 艺术 Curriculum.
  4. 满足所列专业领域学士学位的所有要求 in the catalog when your first major was officially declared. 这可能包括所需的 未成年人,执照,和/或背书.
  • 目录要求
    • You must complete all degree requirements (the Liberal 艺术 Curriculum, major(s), minor(s), teacher licensure) as designated in the catalog of the academic year in 你的主修专业是什么.
      • 从一个专业到另一个专业的变化(或从一种浓度到另一种浓度的变化) within the same major) means you will be subject to the most current catalog when 你做出改变.
    • 每个目录一次有效期为六年.
    • 在目录的六年期限届满时,您可以选择任何后续目录 目录直到并包括当前的一个,只要你是或曾经出席 在那个学年的大学里.
    • You may change at any time to any subsequent catalog year as long as you attended 皇冠app官方版下载的学生.
    • 此更改需要提交一个 大/小变更表. 请与您的 advisor to initiate the change request. 
    • 如果你的目录已经过期,你还必须要求提交一个大/小的变化 表单来更新您的目录.
    • If your program does not exist in the desired subsequent catalog, you must instead declare a new program, also using the major/minor change form. 请与您的 顾问发起变更请求.
    • 如果您的主修或副修课程在随后的目录中更改了名称,您必须获得 signature approval 从 academic department of the new major or minor.


    学业成绩将在学位授予时被锁定. 在任何情况下 changes be made to the academic record after degree conferral.

    在完成所有学位要求后,必须授予学位并完成学位 in the term that it is brought to the attention of the 司法常务官办公室.  学生 cannot request a delay in awarding a degree once all degree requirements have been 满意. 

  • 拉丁荣誉


    荣誉毕业是根据学生在皇冠app官方版下载的累计成绩决定的 完成学位时的平均成绩:3分.90-4.优等生100分,3分.80-3.89 获得优等成绩.70-3.优等生79分. 这个GPA必须是基于 至少56个学期的北卡大学学分.

    每个学生的记录将在毕业学期开始时进行审查; 具有符合条件的累积平均成绩,且学期成绩至少为56分的学生 皇冠app官方版下载学分(包括最后一个学期注册的课程)的小时数将被扣除 在毕业典礼上得到认可.

    在完成学位(包括成绩)后符合资格的学生 earned during the final semester) will have their Latin honors designated on their 文凭及成绩单.

    以拉丁荣誉毕业的学生被邀请在毕业典礼上佩戴蓝金相间的丝带 开始接受认可. 他们的证书将提前在毕业典礼上提供 到毕业. 请 remember that final Latin Honor designations are pending receipt of final grades and calculation of your final cumulative GPA.  

    为了有资格获得拉丁文荣誉并在毕业时得到认可,你必须 有56个学时的UNC学分(包括最后一个学期)并达到 必需的累积平均绩点(见下文). 成功完成 all graduation requirements, the honors designation will also be indicated on your 成绩单.


    3.90 - 4.00


    3.80 - 3.89


     3.70 - 3.79

  • 课程替换和课程豁免


    通过课程流程批准并列出的任何课程要求 in the catalog that is replaced/substituted by another course. 所有课程替换 must ensure the maintenance of academic program integrity and should be in the same area as the required course or in a closely related field. 课程替代决策 are made only by the department in which your major or minor is declared. 此外, course substitutions have direct academic impact on other UNC courses. 学术影响 must be considered when a request for course substitution is made.


     通过课程流程批准并列出的任何课程要求 在目录中,这被认为是没有必要由个别学生完成的 due to the student’s non-course experiences and/or demonstrated existing knowledge. All course waivers must ensure the maintenance of academic program integrity. 课程 豁免决定只由你申报主修或副修科目的部门作出. 学术影响 must be considered when a request for course waiver is made.

  • 对应的信用

    函授和/或继续教育最多30个学期学分 课程将在毕业时被接受.

    所有函授课程和/或转学工作必须完成,收到,评分, 并在毕业学期结束前记录下来.

  • 主修及副修要求

    A major is a collection of courses in your declared area of primary academic study which, when accompanied by appropriate supporting courses, leads to a degree. 专业 是否记录在你的永久档案上. 指定了专业的要求 in the catalog of the academic year in which you declared your major.

    Certain courses are required for each major, but electives may be selected from a 程序规定的备选范围. 这对学生来说并不罕见 如果你不确定自己对哪个专业感兴趣,那么你可以输入“探索”.” You’ll be advised by SOAR so you’ll be ready to declare 一个主要的 by the time you’ve completed 30 credit hours toward graduation, including transfer credit.


    本科生可以通过联系系里的学生从一个专业转到另一个专业 advisor of the specific major, minor, licensure, or endorsement. 学生需要 to determine with the advisor if they meet the requirements of the new program. 请 note: A change of concentration area constitutes a change of major. 如果你在改变 专业,你必须与新申报的专业的学术顾问见面才能获得 一根针.

    集中领域包括提供特定重点的指定课程 一个主要的. concentrations areas for majors are recorded on the student's academic record.


    An academic minor involves less extensive concentration in a discipline but still 施加特定的要求. 本科辅修课程是一组特定的课程 在一个学科领域或学术学科中. 辅修课程并不能单独带来学术成就 学士学位,但某些专业可能需要. 小调不同于集中区 in that a minor is not a focus within the student's major.

    The requirements for a minor are specified in the catalog of the academic year in 学生宣布的第一专业是什么.


    要在皇冠app官方版下载完成你的专业,你需要至少获得9门高年级课程 UNC credits (300-400) or UNC-approved study abroad credits (300-400) in your major.

    要完成辅修课程,你需要至少获得6个皇冠app官方版下载高年级学分 (300-400) or UNC-approved study abroad credits in that minor.

    专业和辅修课程最多可以共享12个学分. Exceptions to this policy may be found in the requirements for individual programs 如UNC目录所述.

    你必须达到学校/学院规定的所有要求并通过所有课程 或者主修/副修课程. 这些要求各不相同,并特别说明 in the section of this catalog that summarizes each academic program offerings.

    我们强烈建议您在选择时与指定的指导老师密切合作 文科课程课程,主修和辅修课程,以及选修课程 其他的学科. 如果你有一个以上的专业或辅修,你被鼓励去见每一个专业的顾问 课程注册前的学习领域. If you’re an “Exploring” or selected "Seeking" majors, you’ll be advised by Soar.  

  • 提交转帐学分

    Official 成绩单s from all colleges and universities containing transfer credit must be received by the 司法常务官办公室 before the semester of graduation. 这里有皇冠app安卓下载安装向UNC提交转学学分的说明

  • 已获学分

    学士学位授予前10年内获得的课程学分 是否适用于皇冠app官方版下载的学位,由学术部门决定 对于课程主题.

    在获得学士学位前10年获得的AP课程学分 be applicable toward your UNC degree at the discretion of the academic department 对于课程主题.

    ACT/SAT课程豁免(e.g. 英文123)授予学士学位前10年 is to be granted may be applicable toward your UNC degree at the discretion of the 学术部门为课程的主题.

    这里有更多皇冠app安卓下载安装 AP, IB, SAT/ACT, CLEP, Military and Teacher Cadet credit. 

  • 最低居住要求

    你必须在皇冠app官方版下载的课程中获得至少30个学分,无论是在线还是亲自学习. 此外, 过去30个学时中的20个 必须在皇冠app官方版下载的课程中获得. 此居留政策的例外情况 可以在皇冠app官方版下载目录中描述的个别项目的要求中找到吗.

  • 并发度
     如果你完成了多个专业,你将被授予多个学位 an additional 30 credits (above and beyond the 120 credits required for the first 学位),每增加一个专业. 例如:

    • If you complete two majors and 150 or more credits, you will receive two degrees.
    • 如果你修完三个专业,并获得180学分以上,你将获得三个学位.
    • 如果你有经济援助, 请参阅下文.

    下面的例子说明了成绩单和文凭显示时的附加 30 hours are completed, and also when fewer than 30 additional hours are completed.













    学士学位 科学



    如果你完成了一个专业和多个专业(在允许的情况下选择专业), 无论修满多少学分,你都将获得一个专业和一个学位.

    例子:对于工商管理专业的学生来说 财务与会计:







    只有获得学位所需的课程才会计入你的注册状态 申请经济援助. 此外, if you have completed the degree requirements for 一个单一的学位,即使你没有申请毕业,你也不再有资格 为该项目申请第四章援助. 你可能会拿到双学位 and have not completed the requirements for the second degree does not change this.

  • 更高学位

    你可以在一个学位的最后一个学期注册研究生课程 超过学位要求,只要你的入学申请 在最后一个学期开始之前接受下一个更高的学位课程. 如果你已经被皇冠app官方版下载下一个更高的学位录取,你必须 complete "A Petition to Count Work on the 更高学位" that may be obtained 从 研究生院, (970) 351-2831.