

  • Wise Acres学生经营的农场  

    这个项目是由Kevin Cody和Dr. 我是ENST系的Richard Jurin. In February 2015, the UNC Environmental and 可持续性 Studies (ENST) Program was presented with a remarkable opportunity: to lease a pre-existing farm i n Northern 为了教育目的. 一个看似温和的提议,联合国军司令部现在处于一个位置 成为美国高等教育日益增长的趋势的一部分.S. 包含 experiential education with programs on sustainable food systems and agroecology. 的 farm owners are keen to develop a relationship with UNC and for their farm to 成为有机和替代农业教育的典范. 农场经营者/经理 is excited about the potential of working with students from UNC, and continuing to work with students from Alternative 首页s for Youth which was been involved in previous 生长季节.

    Student LEAF Partnered with University College to help fund the first season of the 农场,取得了巨大的成功. 农场提供的夏季和秋季课程 UNC helped provide food for a farm stand at Community Fest, and on several Fridays 在校园. ENST项目正试图利用这个农场来帮助引入一个新的专业 可持续食品系统.

    Wise Acres农场
    Wise Acres农场
    Wise Acres农场
  • 大学自行车架

    这个项目是由来自UNCO户外活动的Daniel Lawrence提出的. UNC是一个 certified Bronze Level Bike Friendly campus, in part because of our continued effort 提供适合自行车使用的基础设施. 这项建议是要加以改进的 校园内现有的自行车架,以确保自行车安全,不受损坏. 的 design selected was 大学自行车架, from the company Park-A-Bike, and it is intended to prevent bikes from falling over onto each other while providing easier access for 锁自行车. 自行车架也因其美学而被选中,因为它们可以 安装在赞成笨重,不太吸引人的自行车架. 计划安装 预计将于2016年春季和夏季完成.


  • 校园娱乐中心的大屁股粉丝

    This project was proposed by Tori Peterson (Former LEAF president) and Scott Schuttenberg from the 校园娱乐 Center in order to help the CRC save money and energy. 的 idea behind 大屁股粉丝 is using large fan blades to help keep buildings nearly 10 degrees cooler in the summer, and to help de-stratify warm air that rises in the 为了在冬天保持建筑物的温暖. 学生们最大的抱怨之一 was that the gym was unbearably hot in the summer, even with the portable fans that 我们被利用了. 这些风扇不仅无效,而且不安全,因为 长延长线,而且由于用电量大,不符合成本效益. 大的屁股 Fans have made a tremendous impact on the overall comfort of students in the rec center, 还减少了能源消耗和水电费.


  • PowerSol雨伞 

    In the Spring 2015 Semester, Student LEAF funded a proposal submitted by a student 在校园周围安装PowerSol充电站. PowerSol雨伞是户外的 patio umbrellas with solar panels on top that harness the power of the sun in order 为便携式设备充电. 这笔赠款的金额为3.8万美元,其中包括采购费用 19个伞形单位,19个150磅的底座,所有营销用品和运费. 的 umbrellas were installed on the UNC campus at the University Center, Holmes and Tobey-Kendel Dining Halls, Arlington Park Apartments, and at several residence halls. 的 overall goals of the project were to engage students around campus and educate 他们讨论了太阳能的好处和可能性. 此外,雨伞 help foster one of LEAF’s main goals of creating a sustainable campus 社区 by 鼓励学生到我们美丽的校园户外活动.

    对PowerSol项目的总体反应非常积极. 不仅 were they incredibly popular amongst the students and staff, but the umbrellas had 提高学生LEAF作为一个组织的意识是一个额外的好处. 许多学生 did not know what the umbrellas were or who put them in place until strategic labeling 放在每把伞上. 随着越来越多的学生了解雨伞, 更多的伞被使用. 这些桌子的使用频率远远超过了它们的使用频率 去过的. 这进一步实现了增加现有校园基础设施使用的目标 通过这些改进. 总的来说,这个项目是一个巨大的成功,还有很多其他的 各部门表示有兴趣订购更多雨伞.

    Implementation: 的 five can crushers for the University center, Tobey Kendel and Holmes dining hall were ordered through Recycling Solutions out of Queensland Australia. 这些设备和运费的总成本为6225美元.00. 因为船要来了 从澳大利亚来的航班,到达日期有一点延迟. 大约两个月后 of waiting, the units were acquired by facilities and then delivered to dining services 它们被安装在哪里.


  • 大学中心水站 

    In Spring of 2013 Jay Dinges (Director of University Center) proposed to the LEAF committee a project that would replace the five existing water fountains with Elkay Ez- H20站. 大学中心每天都有大量的人流量 day and there were complaints of not having places like this to refill water 瓶. 不仅 have we heard people comment on the quality of the water, but the overall 机组的便利性. 去其中一个加油站加满油很容易 your water bottle, which reduces the need or want to buy a plastic, disposable water 瓶.

    This particular project was started in early fall and was just recently finished at 十月底. 由于石棉和更换管道在墙上,该项目 周转时间比我们最初估计的要长. 尽管如此,每 车站已正确安装并正在使用. 电台本身也算上了 the amount of water 瓶 that you are saving each time you fill up, which is great 教育我们的校园可持续发展. 实际上看的是 water 瓶 that are saved is really quite remarkable and most students are pretty 震惊于他们在校园里看到的数字.

    最初的赠款拨给的资金最高可达15 000美元.00. 每单位成本 大约是890美元.单独销售时,每件100美元. 当单位被购买时 in groups of ten or more, the shipping was included making the price of each unit $840.00. 大学中心安装了五台设备,每台都要更换 旧饮水机和新的埃尔凯水站. 总成本 单位本身正好是4824美元.11美元和劳动力共计4990美元.33. 让所有 也就是说,整个项目的最终总成本是9824美元.44. 估计费用有点高,所以是5185美元.56美元将被转回我们的账户 基金. 总的来说,这个项目是成功的,这些车站每天都在使用 在校园.


  • 学生LEAF资助了皇冠app官方版下载洒水系统的改进!

    In the fall of 2012, Pat McDonald proposed a project that would centralize the university’s 整个喷水灭火系统.  数量惊人的学生和教职员工会抱怨 去上课的路上还得躲避洒水装置. 这就产生了一个问题 for the people going to class and also was having an impact on the amount of water 正在被系统使用. 一个有缺陷的手动系统,必须去每个区域 shut it off or provide maintenance was proving to be more of a hassle than anything. Pat proposed this idea to not only limit the amount of encounters with being sprayed, 同时也要加大大学范围内的节水力度.

    的 proposal was voted on and passed by the 2012-2013 committee that fall and was 预计将于2013年春季安装. 订购材料后并计划安装 came into action the deadline for the installation was pushed back towards the end 夏天的. 在七月底我和帕特的一次会议上,他告诉我这个系统 通过皇冠app官方版下载的IT部门连接有问题吗. 截至今天,(2013年9月4日) 那个问题已经解决了,系统已经启动并运行了. 帕特还在琢磨 走出系统,以及如何最有效地管理它. 系统安装好后, there is a predicted water savings of 30% more in our irrigation system than the previous 年. 话虽如此,大学将不必支付那么多的水费 像过去一样消费,同时也减少排放.

    COSTS: 的 original estimate for the entire system to be installed and purchased was $72,000. 最后的发票是:63914美元.39

  • 学生LEAF资助的动物废物站 

    动物粪便站项目是由校园里的一个学生提出的. 凯西跟踪狂, proposed the project fall 2012 semester and the plan was put into place the following 2013年春天. 通过俱乐部“学生环保行动”的提议 提交. 通过拨款协调员威廉·伍兹和项目经理帕特里克 McDonald, the proposal was filled out accordingly and agreed upon to purchase 10 animal 浪费站.

    奖金高达3000美元.这笔钱是用来购买 units themselves and the materials that would need to be stocked throughout the lifetime 单位的. 大袋子和小袋子都需要由设施储存 是LEAF先购买的吗. 最初购买了500个小袋和200个大袋 by LEAF, but through an agreement with facilities, the stocking and purchasing of 行李都交给他们了. 处理单位每周由设施和 把相应的. 拨给该项目的全部款项并没有全部用完 这个项目给基金带来了小回报吗.

    This project promotes sustainability, a cleaner campus and the fund itself with promotional 这些标志也是和单位一起购买的. 校园里到处都是这些废品 can be found and have seemed to gain a lot of attention with the pet owner 社区. Having a friendlier place to bring your pet brings people from all over the surrounding 社区. 提供一个卫生的废物处理系统,同时清理校园 同时.


  • 学生LEAF资助的垃圾处理站 

    Student LEAF helped to fund 25 of these attractive recycling stations, a project proposed 去年春天的设施. 他们在校园里随处可见!
